On Tuesday, Spirit Halloween continued its unveiling of new animatronics for 2022 with the debut of the knife-wielding Betty Sharpe and its latest creepy clown, Mr. Punchy.
Betty Sharpe is a new four-foot animatronic made to look like a young girl who wields a knife and carries with her a bloodied burlap sack. Betty will taunt your guests with four horrifying phrases all while they witness her last victim trying to wriggle free from her unbreakable clutch.
The new Betty Sharpe animatronic is now listed on the Spirit Halloween website but is not yet available for purchase. The animatronic is expected to be made available soon.
Mr. Punchy is the latest in Spirit’s long line of clown Halloween animatronics. Part clown, part punching bag, Mr. Punchy is looking for a fight, and he’ll taunt you with four different voice lines to make sure it happens. Standing six feet tall, Mr. Punchy features a gyrating upper body, EL wire smile, and menacing red LED light-up eyes.

The Mr. Punchy animatronic is now listed on the Spirit Halloween website but is not yet available for purchase. The animatronic is expected to be made available soon.
You can catch all of the new animatronics unveiled by Spirit Halloween for 2022 on the Spirit Halloween Experiment 1031 page.