Spanish animator Carlos Baena has released his award-winning animated short “La Noria” (Ferris Wheel) for online viewing after appearing at more than 150 festivals over the last year and racking up a total of 80 awards.
The short film tells the story of a grief stricken young boy whose frustrations with completing a toy Ferris wheel quickly materialize as monsters that destroy not only the toy itself, but all that the boy holds dear.
Though clearly inspired by turn of the century Spain, you won’t need to rely on your high school Spanish to appreciate this film as the film features no dialogue and instead relies on visuals and score to tell the boy’s story.
Written and directed by Baena, the film was an online collaborative effort that tapped talented artists and animators from around the globe.
Check out the short below:
La Noria from Carlos Baena on Vimeo.