
Gaming Meets Cinema in New Interactive Thriller ‘Erica’ for the PS4

Earlier this month the game studio Flavourworks released their first title “Erica,” and for a first effort, it’s an ambitious one. “Erica” is a PS4 exclusive interactive thriller that blends film and video games in a rather unique way. Players take on a conscience-like role in the game’s narrative as they help guide Erica in her decisions as well as making tactile choices through physical interactions in the game.

“The way that you play ‘Erica’ is actually very simple,” explains Flavourworks Technical Director Pavle Mihajlovic. “If you see something you should be able to touch. You can touch it. If you see a moment where Erica can make a decision, you can make that decision for her. And you can just live through this story.”

The game has a branching narrative and every choice you make as the player will impact what happens next in the game. It’s like Netflix’s ambitious 2018 effort “Black Mirror: Bandersnatch,” but with the added element of touch interaction in the game.

“Erica” tells the story of a young woman who survived a traumatic childhood event that comes back to haunt her in her adult life. As mysterious things begin happening around her players must help to connect the dots and uncover exactly what’s going on.

Perhaps one of the most unique elements of the new game is that in addition to your DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller, you can also opt to use the Erica app for iOS and Android to interact with the game and the world within the game using your smartphone.

“Erica” looks like a lot of fun and with gameplay lasting about as long as a feature film, this is one you can squeeze in in a single night of gameplay or sporadically over a weekend.

“Erica” is available now and is just $9.99 through the PlayStation store.

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