Clothing, Accessories, & Cosmetics, Holidays Release Spooky Valentine’s Day Sweaters

This article contains affiliate links. See disclaimer for more details. has made a splash in recent years with its expanding collection of Halloween seaters, inspired, of course, by the traditional ugly Christmas sweater. This year, HalloweenCostumes has added Valentine’s Day sweaters to the mix, but with the spooky community in mind.

While sure, half of the collection features traditional Valentine’s Day fare like a candy heart that says, “Be Mine,” the other half of the collection features less cutesy and more creepy. Check out the selection of spooky Valentine’s Day sweaters below:

You’re My Zom-Bae Valentine’s Day Sweater

Model wearing the Zom-bae sweater, which features  an all-over knit pattern of icy blue hearts and bright pink brains and a larger graphic of a pair of zombie hands forming a heart and is surrounded by the words “You’re My Zom-Bae.”

Love Is Dead Valentine’s Day Sweater

Male model wearing the Love Is Dead sweater, which features an all-over knit pattern of hearts and skulls and a larger graphic of a skeleton holding a skull inside a bleeding heart above the words "Love Is Dead."

Be My Boo Valentine’s Day Sweater

Female model wearing the Be My Boo Sweater, which features an all-over knit pattern of hearts and ghosts with a larger graphic of two ghosts and the words "Be My BoOoOo!"

I Only Have Eyes for You Valentine’s Day Sweater

Male model wearing the Eyes for You sweater, which features an all-over knit pattern of eyeballs and hearts and a larger graphic of a skeleton taking his eyes out and the words "I Only Have Eyes For You"

The new Valentine’s Day sweater collection is made by HalloweenCostumes’ talented team of artists and designers. You can find the entire collection exclusively at, including the more traditional ones.

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