Max has slated the U.S. premiere of the animated series “Isadora Moon” for January 2, 2025. Based on Harriet Muncaster’s globally best-selling book series, “Isadora Moon” follows the delightful adventures of a half-vampire, half-fairy girl, her friends at a human school, and her wider magical family.
Isadora Moon is not your typical child; she embodies the magic of both worldsโembracing the enchantment of fairies and sparkles, as well as the powers of her gothic vampire side. This charming series appeals to children and families alike, showcasing themes of self-acceptance, creativity, and the beauty of being true to oneself.
“Isadora Moon reminds us that feeling different is not just okayโit’s what makes us truly special. She may not fly as fast as other vampire children, or do magic as well as the fairy kids, but her unique blend of qualities is what sets her apart,” said Muncaster. “Just like Isadora, we all have our own special magic within us. Embrace your individuality, for there is one thing you can do better than anyone else in the world: be yourself!”
“‘Isadora Moon’ is more than just a story about a half-vampire, half-fairy girl; it’s a celebration of individuality and self-acceptance that resonates profoundly with children today,” adds Deborah Thorpe, showrunner of the 2D animated series created and produced by her company Kelebek Media. “This series will transport audiences to fantastical new places. Like Harriet, we hope to inspire children everywhere to feel comfortable and proud of being their authentic selves.”
The series will premiere with 12 episodes (one 22 minutes long and the remaining eleven 11 minutes long). It will feature a talented cast of voice actors who bring Isadora and her friends to life alongside a creative team dedicated to preserving the magic of the original books and bringing new stories to the screen. Each episode will take viewers on a journey filled with fun, friendship, and a sprinkle of magic, perfect for sparking the imaginations of young viewers.
Max is the first U.S. streamer to premiere the series, which is currently Sky Kids’ top-rating show in the UK.