The Jim Henson Company, renowned leader in family entertainment, and Felix & Paul Studios, leaders in immersive storytelling, announced Monday a new project in development: “The Storyteller: The Seven Ravens,” a groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) experience. The new chapter of Jim Henson’s classic “The Storyteller,” which most recently was made into a comic book series, will be an innovative and ground-breaking addition to the acclaimed television series, in the form of an augmented reality (AR), trackable storybook. Award-winning author Neil Gaiman (“Anansi Boys,” “The Graveyard Book”) will voice the role of the narrator.
“The Storyteller: The Seven Ravens” is an extension of The Jim Henson Company’s popular franchise, that re-envisions folk stories, legends, and fables from around the world. In “The Seven Ravens,” a young girl sets out on an adventure to save her seven brothers from a curse that turned them into ravens. The AR book experience will allow people to interact with, explore, and re-explore the detailed and robust world of “The Storyteller” through the lens of “The Seven Ravens” tale.
“Partnering with Felix & Paul Studios on this innovative project will bring our fans even closer to The Storyteller, immersing them into the classic tale of The Seven Ravens like never before,” said Lisa Henson, CEO of The Jim Henson Company. “‘Through the magic of augmented reality, readers will be both amazed and surprised by how the story comes to life visually and in a truly interactive format. It is also exciting to have Neil Gaiman, the storyteller of our time, lend his voice to this project.”
The experience will be demoed at the upcoming Siggraph virtual conference.