
Join the Minds Behind ‘Psycho Goreman’ for a Global Watch-Along

Behind the scenes photo from Psycho Goreman featuring Matt Ninaber as Psycho Goreman with Nita-Josee Hanna and Owen Myre.

Horror director, writer, and makeup FX artist Steve Kostanski, Emmy Award winning makeup FX artist Todd Masters, and actor Matt Ninaber will be holding a “Global Watch-Along” of their collaborative hit genre film Psycho Goreman on Thursday.

The trio behind the film is asking fans to join them by pressing play on the film at precisely 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific for a special live tweet event as they watch the film along with fans. Kostanski, Masters, and Ninaber will tell stories and share never-before-seen behind-the-scenes images from the film via their Twitter accounts during the film.

Kostanski wrote, directed, and created the monsters and makeup FX for Psycho Goreman — the film marks his fifth feature as a director. His earlier directorial projects include Manborg, Father’s Day, and The Void — both of which he co-directed — and Leprechaun Returns for SYFY.

Kostanski also works in-house at Todd Masters’ MASTERSFX Toronto studio, whom he partnered with for the extensive effects work in the film. “Steve used his horror-making know-how to maximize every ounce of the practical monsters and gore FX that fill the picture,” Masters explains. “The movie features several monsters, creatures, robots and dynamic armored alien beings, all of which sprang forth from Steve’s and our Toronto team’s creative minds. Even competing with the big-budgeted, studio monster and genre films out there, ‘Pschyo Goreman’ is being hailed as one of the best monster movies in recent years!”

Behind the scenes photo of Steven Kostanski adding finishing touches to a mask for Psycho Goreman.
Filmmaker and special effects makeup artist Steven Kostanski adds finishing touches to a Witchmaster mas for Psycho Goreman

Says Kostanski,” The idea for ‘Psycho Goreman’ came to me right after I finished directing ‘Leprechaun Returns.’ Some friends of mine wanted to invest in a feature film, so I pitched them the idea about two kids who befriend an evil alien overlord who wreaks havoc on the world, while, at the same time, must obey their childish whims. The film is kind of an ‘ET’ style family adventure entertainment story mashed-up with an action sci-fi horror film. To me, the movie plays like a ‘PG’-rated family film, and at other times it’s really brutal and violent. I see it as more of a comedy than anything else.”

“I don’t think there’s anything else like ‘Psycho Goreman’ out there right now,” Kostanski continues. “It speaks to the video store kid who used to rent R-rated sci-fi and horror movies back during the ‘80s and ‘90s – movies that really were too intense for kids but that had to be seen anyway – like ‘Terminator 2.’ ‘Psycho Goreman’ is a tribute to the films of yesteryear that might traumatize a kid, but yet were still impossible not to watch.”

Psycho Goreman, was released theatrically and on VOD in the U.S. and Canada on January 22, 2021, and received a physical release on Blu-ray and DVD on March 16.

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