Lemax, the maker of the Spooky Town Halloween village collection, has unveiled its releases for 2025. This year, Lemax is releasing over 70 new buildings, figurines, and accessories, including six Spooky Town sets, which include a lighted building along with themed accessories. Check out some of the highlights from the Spooky Town 2025 collection below:
Wedding Party
This Sights and Sounds piece depicts a swinging skeletal wedding reception, complete with a jazz quartet and dancing bride, groom, and guests.
Medi-Evil Castle
Skulls line the walls, and skeletons stand as quiet sentinels, guarding the secrets within this Sights and Sounds castle, which lowers its draw bridge to reveal its king.
The Air & Space Novelties Hangar Museum
A little bit like Area 51 and a little bit like a roadside UFO museum, Lemax Spooky Town’s The Air & Space Novelties Hangar Museum is a new 2025 Sights and Sounds piece featuring a cast of otherworldly beings traversing the building while flying discs circle overhead.
The Laff Shak
This clown-themed lighted building features sinister clowns and even a frightening clown car.
Quick-Bite Spider Diner
Quick-Bite Spider Diner is one of six village pieces for 2025 that will be available as a standalone village piece or as a set. A giant spider looms over the facade of Quick-Bite Spider Diner and features light-up eyes. Details on what is included in the Quick Bite Spider Diner Set are not fully detailed, but look to potentially include figurines and other accessories to create a complete scene.
Nightmares Video
Another piece being released as a standalone Lighted Building or as a set is Nightmares Video. Paying homage to the video stores of yore, this piece will be a must-have for horror fans who miss the days of browsing the horror section of their local video store. Again, details on what is included in the set version of this release are not readily available, but the image again suggests it will come with related accessories to create a complete scene, including a rental drop box and a skeleton recreating the iconic boombox scene from the 1989 film “Say Anything.”
For the remaining four house sets, which will be released in 2025, Lemax is resurrecting past Spooky Town Village pieces, including 2023’s House of the Shadows and Creatures of the Night Pet Shop and 2024’s Candy Witch Cottage and Fright Night Cinema.
Spellbound Books & Terrible Tales
For the Spooky Town book lovers, Lemax is releasing Spellbound Books & Terrible Tales, a new lighted building. This quaint bookstore features books as its rooftops, and a witch can be seen through its front window, perusing the store’s shelves.
Spooky Days Ahead
This new 2025 light-up facade is home to all of your fortune-telling needs. A fortune teller has set up shop outside this fate-finding facade that features a lighted image of a seance in one of the upstairs windows.
The Cooking Coven
This Lemax Spooky Town table accent features a trio of witches working on the recipe of the day, Toad Soup.
This is just some of this year’s lineup from Lemax. You can view the full 2025 Spooky Town lineup now at LemaxCollection.com.