
A Look at the Bizarre Original Return of Twin Peaks

First off, let me fully disclose to you all that I’m not a Twin Peaks fan. Not because I don’t like it, but because I haven’t actually watched it yet.  When the show first aired for two seasons starting in 1990 I was 10 years old.  Now that I’m older and with the buzz around the show’s return, it’s caught my interest.  So when I came across this piece from AdWeek I was interested to see that after the show ended here in the U.S. the show saw a brief return in the form of Twin Peaks commercials for a Japanese coffee.

The ads piggybacked off of the momentum Twin Peaks gained from satellite syndication and the success of the show’s prequel film, “Fire Walk With Me” in Japan. Created in 1993, Lynch rounded up some of the cast members from the show and developed a four-part series of ads for Georgia Coffee, a Coca-Cola owned canned coffee brand, exclusive to the Japanese market.  The ads capture the same quirky feel the show is known for, and follow Agent Cooper and a Japanese man named Ken whose wife has gone missing.

While they’re no Showtime revival, the ads captured the mystery of Twin Peaks and kept the mystery alive for a little bit longer for Japanese fans.

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