
Lovecraftian Game ‘Dreams in the Witch House’ Arriving in Early 2023

Finnish game, animation, and filmmaking studio Atom Brain Games has announced its debut title, “Dreams in the Witch House,” will be released in early 2023. The adventure game is based on the short story written by H.P. Lovecraft.

“Dreams in the Witch House” is a unique mix of adventure game and open-world survival game. In it, the player has to survive the nightly terrors for two months before facing the May-Eve witch ritual. The game combines RPG and “open world” features to the traditional adventure game genre. The world is alive, and the gameplay is nonlinear. Many of the game’s elements are generated randomly, so each play-through will be different.

“Couple years ago when I re-read ‘The Dreams in the Witch House’ by H.P. Lovecraft, I quickly realized that it would make a perfect survival adventure game. Unlike with my previous attempts to finish making a video game, this time my motivation was strong, because of my love for the source material,” says the developer Antti Laakso.

While being an avid H.P. Lovecraft fan, Antti is also a creative powerhouse. Besides co-directing an H.P. Lovecraft film festival’s award-winning short film, “Sound from the Deep,” working as a filmmaker, animator, and teacher, he is now a game developer. For the game’s overall creepy feel, Antti teamed up with another fan favorite of Lovecraft genre; Troy Sterling Nies made the game’s soundtrack.

Bonus Stage Publishing will publish the game in early 2023. “Bonus Stage Publishing is helping me to finish the game and spread the word. I’m very excited and relieved that I have professionals guiding me through this nerve-wrecking period. Feels good to share the load!” tells Antti Laakso about working together with a publisher and bringing the game out to the world.

You can wishlist “Dreams in the Witch House” on Steam now, and while you’re there, you can even download a demo of the game.

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