Toys & Collectibles

NECA Announces Monthlong ‘Monster Madness’ Reveal Event for October

UPDATED 10/2/2021 @ 2:10 PM PST
NECA Monster Madness 31 Days of Spooktacular Reveals!

NECA took to social media on Monday to announce “Monster Madness,” a monthlong product reveal event that will span the month of October.

Being teased as “31 days of Spooktacular Reveals,” NECA promises a reveal every day in October. Based on the theming and language in the post, we can only assume that NECA will be making a new monster or horror-themed reveal each day. What’s unclear is if each of these reveals will be of new products. “Reveal” could, of course, also pertain to image reveals of previously announced products, but either way, the month of October will be a good one for horror toy collectors.

Further details on where the reveals would take place were not unveiled, but most product reveals from NECA are shared via their social media profiles and website.

UPDATE: As of September 30, NECA appears to have rebranded the event “31 Nights of Fright” and removed any past posts referencing “Monster Madness,” however the rebranded image still promises, “monstrous reveals EVERY night in October!”

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