
Official ‘Stranger Things’ Tabletop Game Arrives from CMON Games

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An official board game based on Netflix’s “Stranger Things” has arrived from CMON Games called “Stranger Things: Upside Down.”

The game, designed by Rob Daviau, is a cooperative game of suspense and mystery, based on the events of Season 1 and 2 of “Stranger Things.” For 2 to 4 players, each player takes on the role of one of the series’ protagonists. At the start of the game, players choose a character and one of the two seasons to play, each with its own board, actions, and unique sets of cards. Characters use Action cards to move through iconic Hawkins locations, get items, control their fear, and to beat the value of token stacks in order to gather allies, escape a secret government agency, help Eleven and be aided by her powers, and fight the horrors coming from the Upside Down.

As a cooperative game, players either win or lose as a group. In season 1, players win by saving Will. In season 2, players must save Will and close The Gate. But if one or more characters become Terrified, or you run out of Actions in the third act, you lose.

(Image: CMON)

The game has an average playing time of 60 minutes and is suggested for players age 12 or older.

“Stranger Things: Upside Down” is available now through Amazon, and select retailers that sell CMON games. To find a local retailer, visit

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