Jagged Edge Productions and ITN Studios, the makers of “Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood and Honey” and its sequel, have announced the arrival of “Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare,” the next entry in the Twisted Childhood Universe. Written and directed by Scott Chambers, “Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare” will arrive in theaters on January 13, 2025, for a limited three-day engagement from Iconic Events Releasing.
The newest entry into the “Poohniverse” features Megan Placito (“The Salt Path”) as Wendy Darling as she strikes out in an attempt to rescue her brother Michael (Peter DeSouza-Feighoney, “The Pope’s Exorcist”) from the clutches of the evil Peter Pan (Martin Portlock, “Britain’s Got Talent”) who intends to send him to Neverland. Along the way, she meets a twisted Tinkerbell (Kit Green, “Dragon’s Dogma 2”), who is hooked on what she thinks is fairy dust.
Kierston Wareing (“Fish Tank”) and Nicholas Woodeson (“Skyfall”) round out the film’s cast. “Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare” is produced by Rhys Frake-Waterfield and executive produced by Stuart Alson and Nicole Holland. All three served as producers on “Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood and Honey” and its sequel.
Tickets for “Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare” can be purchased online at Iconic Events Releasing or at participating theater’s box office starting December 18, 2024.