
Reese’s Made a Vending Machine That Let New Yorkers Trade in Other Halloween Candy for Peanut Butter Cups

Sometimes we get stuck with candy we don’t want on Halloween and Reese’s knows it. According to the candy maker, 90% of American’s wish they could trade in their Halloween candy. That’s why this Halloween they set up a series of vending machines or what they call “Reese’s Halloween Candy Converters” on Halloween night in Downtown Manhattan allowing New Yorkers to trade in the candy they didn’t want for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

It’s unclear how these “candy converters” work, but basically you dump your crap candy into the machine and then it would spit out Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Or as Reese’s put it, “Disappointment goes in. Reese’s Cups come out.” Its unclear if there was a candy monster inside passing out the cups like at the Skittles Trick or Treat House, but regardless of how they work people were happy to score a Reese’s cup.

The vending machine idea came from a discussion around trick or treating “and how you really just want to find the house with the good stuff—the Reese’s. Full cups instead of the minis, even better,” Anomaly executive creative director Christine Gignac tells Muse by Clio. “That, and knowing that kids already love trading candy for something they want more. There’s always stuff in your bag you want to get rid of. This is a major Halloween ritual. So let’s put ourselves right in the center of that ritual.”

The machine’s made their debut on Halloween night outside Washington Square Park on 5th Avenue between Washington Square North and East 8th Street in New York City.

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