Food & Drink

SPAM® Pumpkin Spice Sells Out in a Matter of Hours

Pumpkin Spice Spam

Last month I shared that Hormel®, the makers of SPAM® would be releasing a limited-edition pumpkin spice flavored SPAM®. Many people online scoffed at the idea, but that doesn’t appear to have impacted the sales of the product by any means.

The product was released this morning at 7 AM CDT on and and sold out in less than seven hours. Time will tell if this is a result of pumpkin spice lovers getting their latest pumpkin spice fix, or if we’ll see a booming SPAM® Pumpkin Spice secondary market popping up in the coming weeks.

Unfortunately, if you didn’t get a can before they sold out, it doesn’t appear that Hormel® has any plans to release more of the pumpkin spiced meat any time soon. At the end of a press release announcing the product had sold out, Hormel® wrote, “For those who didn’t get their hands on SPAM® Pumpkin Spice, the brand sells 15 varieties throughout the year…”

With the success of the product though, I guess you can always hold out and hope the product returns next year. Or, if there does wind up being a secondary market in the coming weeks that you hope to tap into, just remember that it was $8.98 for two cans…

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