Last October, Fortnite hosted an in-game short film festival called “Shortnitemares.” Animation and VFX house Plastic Wax debuted the first episode of a new animated mini-series that puts a modern spin on Universal’s iconic Monsters during the event. On Friday, the monsters returned to the popular video game with the debut of the remaining episodes in the series. Now, Universal Pictures has combined the mini-series into a nine-minute short film and uploaded it to YouTube for all to see.
Written and directed by Rick Famuyiwa (“The Mandalorian”) and based on the classic Universal Monsters, “We Will Be Monsters” opens up with an epic battle between Van Helsing and Dracula. But when the fight is interrupted by the Bride of Frankenstein, the fates of both characters are drastically changed. After the battle, Dracula and the Bride set out on a global quest to seek out other Monsters to resurrect the one the Bride refers to as “the best of us.”
While the short film ends with a means of tying the characters into the Fortnite universe, the story itself has the potential to be something more, and a post-credit scene suggests more may be on the way. Whether that’s in Fortnite or as more standalone shorts is still TBD.